DI Timo Kessler, PhD

hydrogeologist, geologist, environmentalist, engineer



email       timokes@posteo.de
skype       avckalle
url             timo-kessler.de
LinkedIn Link    ResearchGate Link


In my view, water is the most essential resource on earth and it is an ongoing challenge to find sustainable ways to use, recycle and preserve it. Integrated approaches looking at quantitative and qualitative aspects in diverse socio-economic frameworks are required to ensure good water management. Accessibility of water sources, preservation of aquifers and local-scale implementation of production and treatment technologies are main objectives for my work.

The guiding principle is to learn and carry out fundamental research in institutions where advanced methods and a high level of expert knowledge is accessible. However, in consequence, our findings need to be transferred to areas of the world, where water related problems are more severe and resources for handling those are limited (some examples in section outreach).

Current Work

PostDoc research fellow
Department of Applied Geology and Hydrogeology
University of Greifswald
Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Str. 17A
17487 Greifswald

phone +43 662 8044 5487
email timo.kessler@uni-greifswald.de

In December 2017 I joined the research platform "Forum Bergbau und Wasser" accepting a research position at the University of Greifswald. The objectives of the project are to identify and to investigate hydraulic and hydrochemical impacts of mine water increases in closed coal mines. Particularly, we will employ geostatistical tools to describe fracture distributions and cavities in collapsed coal beds. In combination with numerical modeling approaches we aim to identify underground transport paths and to resolve the temporal scales of dispersive processes of mine contaminants. Finally, we hope to develop hydraulic models that can help to examine the hydrogeology of coal mines in other locations and to provide a method to identify appropriate measures for sustainable mine water management.

Apart from that I will support the hydrogeological division of the Georesearch Forschungsgesellschaft mbH as a freelance research consultant. The long-term objective of this independent science company is to acquire funding for hydrogeological research projects in the Alpine Region.


Forum Bergbau und Wasser
University of Greifswald, Applied Hydrogeology
Georesearch Forschungsgesellschaft mbH